هيونداي للصناعات الثقيلة تخطط لانشاء حوض لبناء السفن في المملكة العربية السعودية

مجمع الصناعات البحرية التي ستشارك فيه هيونداي سيكون في مدينة راس الخير الصناعية بالقرب من مينائها البحري شمال الجبيل بحوالي ثمانين كيلو

المشروع ضخم و سيوفر عشرات الالاف من الوظائف ذات الدخل المرتفع للسعوديين
لا شك ان ما تقدمه هونداي للسعودية
اكبر بكثير مما تقدمه امريكا واوربا وروسيا مجتمعه
يا اخوان انها التقنية
سواءا مدنية او عسكرية
واتمنى ذلك بأي ثم
ولو كان اسناء ٦٠ في المية من مشاريع الاسكان والبنى التحتيه للكوريين
بدلا من تلاعب المقاول الوطني
فعلى جيلي كانت مشاريع البنى التحتية التي اقامتها الشركات الكورية بها من الجودة والاتقان ما نشهد به
لا شك ان ما تقدمه هونداي للسعودية
اكبر بكثير مما تقدمه امريكا واوربا وروسيا مجتمعه
يا اخوان انها التقنية
سواءا مدنية او عسكرية
واتمنى ذلك بأي ثم
ولو كان اسناء ٦٠ في المية من مشاريع الاسكان والبنى التحتيه للكوريين
بدلا من تلاعب المقاول الوطني
فعلى جيلي كانت مشاريع البنى التحتية التي اقامتها الشركات الكورية بها من الجودة والاتقان ما نشهد به

مشكلة تاخير مشاريع البنى التحتية و حتى المشاريع الخدمية و فشلها
لا يحتملها المقاول فقط بل الجهة الحكومية المسؤولة عن المشروع

قارن المشاريع الخدمية الموجهة للمواطن مقابل مشاريع خاصة للدولة
مشاريع الامن و القطاعات العسكرية و الديوان الملكي أرامكو مقابل
مشاريع البلدية و التعليم و الصحة ، و اقصد هنا من الناحية الانشائية

على مستوى الإسكان قارن بين نسبة النجاح في مشاريع اسكان الداخلية و المالية و الديوان الملكي
في مقابل وزارة الإسكان و حتى المقرات الحكومية بين الداخلية و الصحة يظهر لك الفشل الذريع

نسبة الإنجاز كبيرة للدولة مقابل المواطن ، الفشل ممنوع ، المعايير مختلفة تماماً و مزدوجة
الفساد غير مقبول في جهات معينة من الدولة و عواقبه وخيمه بينما قطاعات اخرى "الحبل ع الغارب"

ذكرتني بقضية مشروع تجميل مدخل مركز يتبع محافظة في شمال السعودية
تكلفة البوابة هيكل خرساني بشكل جميل فقط ٢ مليون ، مدة المشروع تجاوزت سنة و شهرين
المقاول اللي رسا عليه المشروع ما حط مسمار ، كله مقاولين بالباطن و آخرهم مقاول من نفس المحافظة
اتحدى ان يتكرر الأسلوب هذا مع مشاريع خاصة بالدولة بشكل مباشر لا من ناحية التكلفة و لا التأخير

لو فيه جهة موحدة لجميع المشاريع سواءً الموجهة للدولة او المواطن كان قضينا ع الفساد و الفشل

حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل ارتفع ضغطي
السعوديه تاخرت كثيرا لكن الوصول متاخر خير من عدم الوصول لكن يجب عدم الاستعجال في انتظار النتائج فهي ستحتاج للوقت

مثل هذه المشاريع الثقيله ستعطي المملكه خبره كبيره في مجال السفن حتى وان كان المشروع مخصص للسفن التجاريه فهي مستقبلا ستفيد في المجال العسكري
هذا بالاضافه الى انه من الممكن ان تحتوي الصفقات السعوديه المستقبليه بند تجميع او نقل تقنيه للقطع البحريه العسكريه بواسطه التحالف بين ارامكو وهيونداي ، فالكثير يطالبون بنقل تقنيه هذه القطع حاليا رغم عدم وجود بنيه تحتيه كافيه لصناعة هذه القطع البحريه حاليا
والنقطه المهمه ايضا هي توفير الاف الوظائف بمرتبات جيده وتقليل مستوى البطاله وهي عموما في اول الطريق فعدة مشاريع مثل هذا المشروع سيطلب عشرات الالاف من الوظائف ويقلل الضغط على الوظائف الحكوميه او الاداريه البسيطه اللي هي غالب وظائف المملكه حاليا
ولا ننسى ايضا ان الشركات الكوريه واليابانيه والاوربيه ستوفر كثير من اموالها اذا مافتتحت مصانع في المملكه لانه ببساطه ستكون مدعومه حكوميا وستتوفر لها اراضي بمبالغ رمزيه وضرائب اقل بكثير مما كانت تدفعه وايضا الرواتب التي سيتقاضاها السعوديون ستكون اقل من رواتب ابناء بلدهم في النهايه وهذا ما استغلته كثير من الدول في نهضتها الصناعيه فالشركات الكبرى تبحث عن الربح فقط ولا مانع لديها من نقل مصانعها لأي مكان في العالم مادام هذا المكان اقل تكلفه واكثر انتاجيه
كما ذكرت مرارا هذا شيء جيد ولكن نريد التنفيذ لو عددنا مذكرات التفاهم التي وقعناها وتم تنفيذها لنافسنا كوريا الجنوبية بنفسها ولكن افكار وخطط بلا تنفيذ او تنفيذها بتلكؤ وبطئ يجعل المشروع في النهاية لا ينجز بشكل صحيح يجب وضع خطط بتواريخ صارمة ونسف اي عقبات تؤخر المشروع بكل صرامة ومنع مقاولين الباطن من دخول اي مشروع والشركة التي تتلاعب بذلك يتم فرض عقوبات مالية عليها وبل حتي شطب سجلها التجاري
اتمنى توقيع اتفاقيات تصنيع محلي لكل افرع الشركة الثقيلة والنقل وحتى في مجال السيارات
المشروع بيخفض وارادات المملكة 17 مليار دولار سنويا إن شاء الله ... رقم جدا جدا جدا ضخم !
لا شك ان ما تقدمه هونداي للسعودية
اكبر بكثير مما تقدمه امريكا واوربا وروسيا مجتمعه
يا اخوان انها التقنية
سواءا مدنية او عسكرية
واتمنى ذلك بأي ثم
ولو كان اسناء ٦٠ في المية من مشاريع الاسكان والبنى التحتيه للكوريين
بدلا من تلاعب المقاول الوطني
فعلى جيلي كانت مشاريع البنى التحتية التي اقامتها الشركات الكورية بها من الجودة والاتقان ما نشهد به

السعودية وكوريا الجنوبية: تعاون بقطاع السيارات وبناء السفن والالكترونيات


اتفقت سيئول والرياض على عقد اجتماع لجنة التعاون الصناعي الكوري السعودي مرتين سنوياً وذلك أثناء اجتماع جمع بين وزير الصناعة جو هيونغ هوان ونظيره السعودي وزير الطاقة والصناعة والثروة المعدنية خالد الفالح، يوم الجمعة الماضي.

ووفقاً لوكالة الأنباء الكورية الجنوبية (يوهاب)، قال مسؤول في وزارة الصناعة الكورية إن الجانبين "اتفقا على الحاجة إلى تعميق التعاون في قطاع السيارات وبناء السفن والالكترونيات والبنية التحتية، بعد أن عزز التعاون بين البلدين في قطاعي الاستثمار والبترول".

وتخطط الدولتان عبر لجنة التعاون الصناعي لسبل التعاون بصورة ملموسة لتوسيع العلاقات الاقتصادية بين البلدين في مجالات السيارات والاستثمار المشترك ودخول دول ثالثة بشكل مشترك .

وقال المسؤول إنه يُتوقع لتوسيع التعاون مع السعودية أن يكون له أثر ايجابي على علاقات الدولة مع دول التعاون الخليجي العربي أيضاً.

وقال وزير الطاقة السعودي الفالح الذي زار الدولة مؤخراً "إن بلاده ستوسع استثمارها في مجالات الطاقة المتجددة وصناعة المعادن وتركز على صناعات السيارات وبناء السفن والكيماويات والالكترونيات ومعلومات التكنولوجيا، بالإضافة إلى توسيع الاستثمار في الطاقة الكهربائية والمواني والطرق".

من جانبه قال الوزير جو إن كوريا الجنوبية تحتفظ بأعلى مستوى من التقنيات والقدرات التنافسية في العالم في قطاعي صناعة السيارات وبناء السفن، معرباً عن أمله في توسيع التعاون والاستثمار بين البلدين.

وأضاف أن حكومته ستناقش سبل تقديم الدعم الايجابي لتقاسم الخبرة والتجربة والإبداع التقني الذي اكتسبته في مرحلة التنمية الاقتصادية مع الجانب السعودي وذلك من خلال تشكيل فريق استشاري للتصنيع.
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韓 - Saudi Industrial Cooperation established 委 ... 車 · shipbuilding and electronic all-round cooperation
Words and sent Time | 2016/07/03 06:10
Juhyeonghwan Industry Minister, Saudi Minister of Energy and Industry conference held twice a standing agreement ...
Industry Advisory Panel composed ... Al Farley "Vision 2030 Korea considered as a strategic partner."

(AP) reporter = gimyounghyeon strengthen the all-round cooperative Korea and Saudi Arabia have established an Industrial Cooperation Committee (tentative name), and automotive, shipbuilding, electronics, etc..

According to the Ministry of Industry usually 3 days juhyeonghwan past day and Industry Minister Khaled al-agreed to be held twice a year the Saudi Industrial Cooperation Council - Saudi Farley energy industry and minerals minister in a future meeting.

Ministry official said, "had a consensus that there is a need to deepen the bilateral cooperation in the oil trade and investment cooperation in the dajyeoon automotive, shipbuilding, electronics, infrastructure sector," explained Industrial Cooperation Committee established background.

The two countries plan to discuss concrete cooperation to expand bilateral economic ties, including joint investment, joint third countries entering the automotive sector, such as on industrial cooperation.

The official said, "In May, energy, industrial policy, science and technology, the ability to oversee such mineral resources is significant in that you build a greatly expanded energy industry Minerals and Energy in collaboration with the channel," he said "in the Middle East suzerain Saudi Arabia and the said cooperation will be expanded to establish a positive impact on the future relationship between the Union Gulf (GCC) have along. "

Prior government has drawn the support 5 trillion invested S-Oil refinery upgrading gyeokdeon difficulties in securing factory site. Jihahwa reserve base in Ulsan facility in 2014 and the National Oil Corporation through a scheme to sell the land on the ground S-Oil.

Saudi Aramco is the state-owned company, the largest shareholder with a stake of 63.46% in S-Oil. Al-Pali Minister took on the Aramco President and CEO from 2009 until the year 2015 are still reportedly influencing Aramco.


Juhyeonghwan Minister (second from right), Minister of Minerals Saudi energy industry conference - Ministry provides industry generally continue]

Al-Pali Minister "S-Oil investment success Aramco is a true win-win case as a result of this, such as South Korea favorable business environment, highly creative and productive workforce, the experience accumulated blend together," he said, "that experience Hyundai Heavy Industries [009540] and has led to the shipbuilding sector cooperation Aramco, the Saudi sovereign wealth funds POSCO investment leverage (PIF), Saudi state-run petrochemical company SABIC in cooperation with SK Global chemical, etc., "he said.

He said, "Saudi Arabia is expanding investment in renewable energy and minerals industry and will be upgrading the industrial structure in the automotive, shipbuilding, chemicals, electronics, information technology (IT) such as" said "Investment in power, ports, roads and infrastructure He said it also plans to expand. "

Al-Pali Minister particularly mentioned the Saudi propelled being "Vision 2030" policy, and emphasizes the need for cooperation with South Korea. Vision 2030 is a Saudi policy to diversify its industrial structure away from oil-dependent economy.

He mentioned he was "considering Korea as a strategic partner for the implementation of the Vision 2030," he said "welcome the participation of South Korea and now being given the opportunity to invest more in Korea now and also hope come true partnership between the two countries."

Followed by "hope to cooperate concretely about the ways to invest money in Korea or joint investment in third countries together with South Korea," "Saudi Arabia will secure large funds through privatization," said he said.

This week Secretary of "cars, in areas such as shipbuilding South Korea has the world's highest level of technology and competitiveness," he replied that "we hope the bilateral cooperation and investment."

State Minister said, "will discuss ways that constitute the industrial advisory Korea and Saudi government to share the knowledge and experiences, innovations and industrial know-how in supporting policies to actively support the economic development process."


Shake juhyeonghwan Minister and Minister of Minerals Energy Industry Saudi Arabia (right) of [the Ministry of Industry typically provided READ]

[email protected]

<Copyright (c) Yonhap News, reprint - Redistribution prohibited> 2016/07/03 06:10 words and sent
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Modern 重, Saudi oil minister met ... batna elastic joint venture (total II)
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Juhyeonghwan Secretary, the Saudi Minister of Minerals Energy Industry Discussion(AP) juhyeonghwan industry in ordinary minister is 1 pm Gwanghwamun The Four Seasons Hotel Khalid al-Farley (Khalid A. Al-Falih) Prevention of Saudi Arabia Minister of Minerals Energy Industry under the one-exchanged opinions about such cooperation and investment in Saudi shipbuilding and oil and plant sector between the two countries (HHI Aramco joint venture). 01/07/2016 - Energy industry typically offers AP] [email protected]
Choegilseon top executives, including Chairman, Al Farley talks in Seoul today, Ministers and
joint venture discussions, including marine engines, construction shipyard expects green light ... business normalization

(AP) reporter Kim Dong - Hyun is goungseok HHI = [009540] This joint venture is expected to receive more resilient holding hands with Saudi Arabian state oil company create a marine engines, such as factories and shipyards in the local Saudi.

Khalid Al Farley new energy industrial minerals minister (the oil minister) was the Saudi talks and one day visit to South Korea Hyundai Heavy Industries Chairman choegilseon at a hotel in downtown Seoul, gwonohgap President, Sales and Ocean Liner Ship sentences (managing director).

Minister Al Farley reportedly discussing a joint venture between Saudi Aramco and state-owned oil company, Hyundai Heavy Industries at a meeting with these top executives.

Al Farley Minister took on the Aramco President and CEO from 2009 until the year 2015 are still reportedly influencing Aramco.

Dwaeteumyeo two-hour talks are in progress and should Nabil al-party Mia vice president of Aramco was attended by Vice President meoti such Cyr.

The industry is reported to be a major force in the business normalization of Hyundai Heavy Industries to enter the high-strength concrete results are obtained when the restructuring related to the joint venture between the two companies in the talks. Hyundai Heavy Industries presented the model to the turtle eggs sold minister.


Al Farley oil minister of Saudi Arabia picture data (AP = Yonhap News)

The talks will be based on building a strategic partnership with Saudi Aramco signed at the local Hyundai Heavy Industries last 11 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

The two companies have agreed to promote joint projects in fields such as shipbuilding and engine-plant at the time of the MOU. Last May, signed a joint project development agreement (Joint Development Agreement) for one step further and build a shipyard in the Memorandum of Understanding.

As a result, Hyundai Heavy Industries, was also expected to be gained various additional revenue opportunities and secure new orders for ships and priorities, including through the participation shipyard operations are ordered in Saudi Arabia.


Juhyeonghwan Secretary, the Saudi Minister of Minerals Energy Industry Discussion(AP) juhyeonghwan industry in ordinary minister is 1 pm Gwanghwamun The Four Seasons Hotel Khalid al-Farley (Khalid A. Al-Falih) Prevention of Saudi Arabia Minister of Minerals Energy Industry under the one-exchanged opinions about such cooperation and investment in Saudi shipbuilding and oil and plant sector between the two countries (HHI Aramco joint venture). 01/07/2016 - Energy industry typically offers AP] [email protected]
Hyundai Heavy Industries in joint projects for the marine engine sector is expected to take the reader was developed by the vigor of exports to the Middle East also "powerful engine".

This led to the fact that at the time the leading role of the MOU and the grandson of Mong liner Executive eldest son of a major shareholder of Hyundai Heavy Industries Chairman Chung has also been collecting agent.

As a single construction in 1976, before '40, like Chung Chairman naetdeon follow the world's largest former Saudi Jubail local Port Authority jeonggijeon Managing Director spearheaded the MOU signed between Aramco and evaluating went on business front to save the HHI of crisis She received.

Aramco is the world's largest oil companies that supplies 15% of world oil production. It has exercised enormous influence in key industries such as petroleum transportation, plant.

Al Farley Minister Ali Ibrahim was appointed as the successor of the already alna oil minister was in office last May, for 21 years.

Al Farley day juhyeonghwan Minister and Minister of Industry and Energy also usually meet to exchange views on the oil market and discussed ways to expand economic cooperation between the two countries.

Secretary of State prior notice sent a congratulatory letter to the Minister to be appointed by Parliament last May, the energy industry and minerals minister has invited the bar.

Minister Al Farley completing interviews with local personnel is scheduled to depart two days.


[email protected]

<Copyright (c) Yonhap News, reprint - Redistribution prohibited> 2016/07/01 18:00 words and sent
test Articles
Home News > Latest Articles
韓 - Saudi Industrial Cooperation established 委 ... 車 · shipbuilding and electronic all-round cooperation
Words and sent Time | 2016/07/03 06:10
Juhyeonghwan Industry Minister, Saudi Minister of Energy and Industry conference held twice a standing agreement ...
Industry Advisory Panel composed ... Al Farley "Vision 2030 Korea considered as a strategic partner."

(AP) reporter = gimyounghyeon strengthen the all-round cooperative Korea and Saudi Arabia have established an Industrial Cooperation Committee (tentative name), and automotive, shipbuilding, electronics, etc..

According to the Ministry of Industry usually 3 days juhyeonghwan past day and Industry Minister Khaled al-agreed to be held twice a year the Saudi Industrial Cooperation Council - Saudi Farley energy industry and minerals minister in a future meeting.

Ministry official said, "had a consensus that there is a need to deepen the bilateral cooperation in the oil trade and investment cooperation in the dajyeoon automotive, shipbuilding, electronics, infrastructure sector," explained Industrial Cooperation Committee established background.

The two countries plan to discuss concrete cooperation to expand bilateral economic ties, including joint investment, joint third countries entering the automotive sector, such as on industrial cooperation.

The official said, "In May, energy, industrial policy, science and technology, the ability to oversee such mineral resources is significant in that you build a greatly expanded energy industry Minerals and Energy in collaboration with the channel," he said "in the Middle East suzerain Saudi Arabia and the said cooperation will be expanded to establish a positive impact on the future relationship between the Union Gulf (GCC) have along. "

Prior government has drawn the support 5 trillion invested S-Oil refinery upgrading gyeokdeon difficulties in securing factory site. Jihahwa reserve base in Ulsan facility in 2014 and the National Oil Corporation through a scheme to sell the land on the ground S-Oil.

Saudi Aramco is the state-owned company, the largest shareholder with a stake of 63.46% in S-Oil. Al-Pali Minister took on the Aramco President and CEO from 2009 until the year 2015 are still reportedly influencing Aramco.


Juhyeonghwan Minister (second from right), Minister of Minerals Saudi energy industry conference - Ministry provides industry generally continue]

Al-Pali Minister "S-Oil investment success Aramco is a true win-win case as a result of this, such as South Korea favorable business environment, highly creative and productive workforce, the experience accumulated blend together," he said, "that experience Hyundai Heavy Industries [009540] and has led to the shipbuilding sector cooperation Aramco, the Saudi sovereign wealth funds POSCO investment leverage (PIF), Saudi state-run petrochemical company SABIC in cooperation with SK Global chemical, etc., "he said.

He said, "Saudi Arabia is expanding investment in renewable energy and minerals industry and will be upgrading the industrial structure in the automotive, shipbuilding, chemicals, electronics, information technology (IT) such as" said "Investment in power, ports, roads and infrastructure He said it also plans to expand. "

Al-Pali Minister particularly mentioned the Saudi propelled being "Vision 2030" policy, and emphasizes the need for cooperation with South Korea. Vision 2030 is a Saudi policy to diversify its industrial structure away from oil-dependent economy.

He mentioned he was "considering Korea as a strategic partner for the implementation of the Vision 2030," he said "welcome the participation of South Korea and now being given the opportunity to invest more in Korea now and also hope come true partnership between the two countries."

Followed by "hope to cooperate concretely about the ways to invest money in Korea or joint investment in third countries together with South Korea," "Saudi Arabia will secure large funds through privatization," said he said.

This week Secretary of "cars, in areas such as shipbuilding South Korea has the world's highest level of technology and competitiveness," he replied that "we hope the bilateral cooperation and investment."

State Minister said, "will discuss ways that constitute the industrial advisory Korea and Saudi government to share the knowledge and experiences, innovations and industrial know-how in supporting policies to actively support the economic development process."


Shake juhyeonghwan Minister and Minister of Minerals Energy Industry Saudi Arabia (right) of [the Ministry of Industry typically provided READ]

[email protected]

<Copyright (c) Yonhap News, reprint - Redistribution prohibited> 2016/07/03 06:10 words and sent
هل تشمل الصناعه العسكريه ام المدنيه فقط،
الاحظ التعاون مع كوريا الجنوبية والصين ماذا عن اليابان ام ان النفوذ الأمريكي عائق.:)
هل تشمل الصناعه العسكريه ام المدنيه فقط،
الاحظ التعاون مع كوريا الجنوبية والصين ماذا عن اليابان ام ان النفوذ الأمريكي عائق.:)

وليس لأمريكا نفوذ على كوريا الجنوبية؟
أمريكا خاضت حرب امام المعسكر الشيوعي للابقاء على نفوذها في الجزيرة الكورية وقسمت كوريا نصفين.
أمريكا كلمتها مش هتنزل الأرض أبدا في كوريا :)